The Cofone Family Website
Photo Gallery
In this section we currently present two family photo albums. Once opened, you have the option of saving each album to your computer.
In "The First US Born Generation" you can see early and later photos of Grandpa and Grandma's children and thier respective spouses, some of which are displayed in the Cofone Family History document.
The "Cofone Family Album" contains photos of second, and subsequent generation family members that was composed by my sister Rose Ann a few years ago. It is still an on-going project for her and she needs your help to keep the album current.
If you have old photos of the first and second born US generation you'd like to include in this section send them to me at Send photos of subsequent generations to Rose Ann for inclusion in her Family Album via To the exent possible we ask that you identify who is in the photo so we can include a caption.
Photo documents will be updated occassionally as more photos are submitted.